Building Me

This blog's purpose is to be a Portfolio.

I desperately want to go into the Publishing industry. My first two years at University have only strengthened this desire, and now that I'm in my third and final year, I've realised that I need to present a much more professional image of myself, on the (miraculous) chance that an employer would want to hire me after I finish my degree.

That's where this blog comes in.

I've messed around with blogging before, on an account that's not much more than a jumbled amalgamation of my thoughts, feelings and occasionally the odd review piece. As much as I enjoyed writing that blog, I believe that creating my brand would be better done on this (nearly) blank canvas.

It looks a little more professional, right?

Therefore, as I gain more confidence in my writing abilities, this is what should be appearing on this site:

- Film reviews (I own a Limitless card)
- TV reviews, both episodic pieces and entire series as a whole
- Book reviews (mostly in relation to what I'm studying that week)
- Creative pieces, both poetry and prose
- And if I think of anything else, then that as well!

I do want my 'voice' to be a prominent part of this blog, it is after all me writing it. Also, I don't believe that anyone can write purely objectively on any topic - we are human beings and we pride ourselves on our ability to think and feel - therefore none of my piece's will be without my own personal commentary/voice. However, this will not be a personal blog. It is a showcase of my work first and foremost, and also a tool to make me a more confident writer.

So here's to building me. I hope it works.

-The Act of Writing-


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