Ticking down to a Broken Heart

I'm not as proud of this piece, however I really love the idea and I spent a very long time on it. Chapter 1: Ticking Clocks and Heart to Hearts “Calm down! God, you look crazed, just sit down. Drink your cider. He’ll be here.” She tapped at Anna’s elbow, watching as her best friend half stood, half sat, nervously bouncing and eyeballing every person who walked through the door of the bar. “I can’t!” Anna hissed, her protuberant whiskey coloured eyes wide and staring, “I… I need this to be perfect. I’ve dreamt about it for so long.” Anna’s face was unusually wan, her fingernails more accurately described as stubs. Freya’s heart ached with sympathy. Anna had been on edge all week. Stress lines were almost constantly etched into her forehead and she had taken to watching every entrance in every place they went in public. Freya had been there the night it had started. She had gone to Anna’s place, bottle of wine in hand and a head full of entertaining stories about...